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HTF: How did you get involved in the adult business? Music Vegan Features. I said yes, and it became a huge hit in porn. LRM : The Brady Bunch porn parody and the Sarah Palin ones had just come out and sold really well and they got some mainstream press, which only boosted the sales. HTF March 25, We asked Lee Roy Myers a few questions about his time working in the industry over the last six years and how he got started. With a little assistance from Google the only time I have been able to type porn into Google for a legitimate reason it turned out that Lee Roy Myers was the king of the porn-parody. So we thought we could just waltz into the marketplace with a good idea, some nudity, and a little capital and become successful. Stephen Hillenburg Lee Roy Myers uncredited. It depends on what I parody though, and whether it is well-known internationally. We were wrong. In the first episode of this season, porn star, James Deen makes a birthday cake for cats.

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