Sue pornhub

Sue pornhub

I ended up in mental hospitals," she said then. ArLuther Lee. Click to scroll back to top of the page Back to top. Mastercard's investigation resulted in a ban on processing payments for MindGeek. Authorities allege that women were recruited to participate in videos under false pretences and told that pornographic videos would never be posted online or released in the U. The lawsuit initially involved 40 women, including three Canadians, but it was later expanded to include 10 additional women and other businesses connected to MindGeek were added as defendants. San Diego Oct 15, It also owns porn production companies but CBS News claimed that for years the majority of content on PornHub was uploaded by users. The women say in their suit that MindGeek used nonconsensual content to "become the dominant online pornography company in the world. The lawsuit is the second of its kind. Lincoln's Lied Center reveals schedule for 35th anniversary season. Close Menu.

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