Sylvester stallone porn

Sylvester stallone porn

I don't know if the version I saw was cut the box said "Hard R Cable Version" , but overall, pretty unerotic. Just doing a review on the movie itself, there's nothing. The makers of this movie should have waited for 'Deep Throat' to see how a real adult film is made. Well, that's certainly not the case but you have to give Stallone credit for at least talking about the film since so many actors try and hide things from their past. Sylvester Stallone the only real reason why anyone would watch this turns in a pre-fame role as Stud, an Italian muscleman who has sex with his girlfriend Kitty and has a party at his house where lesbianism, anal sex, and orgies abound. Unlike his efforts in later films, Stallone seems to have had no part in directing or producing Party at Kitty and Stud's. RS Recommends. Fresh teen was enjoying whilst doing it with an old stud 5 min 5 min Boiterous-Othilie -. It was talked about and became mythical in proportion. Log In. Sub Culture. Some of the dialogue is either cut out or dubbed with other words added.

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