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No manual work and overspending on real-life transcribers. It's a fantastic localization tool that can translate videos into over 60 languages efficiently. I believe you mates have a lot of potential to revolutionize the video content creation proces! Subtitles make videos much more popular over popular social media platforms, allowing people to read the text instead of listening to you. Catalan Video Translator. A article in The Hankyoreh said that a group of 7 students from Chonbuk National University did research and case studies in the Philippines related to the Kopino issue for more than a year, and then the group published a book about the Kopino issue which was available as an e-book and a hard copy book which was not for sale. A article in The Granite Tower said that collective anger towards Korean men who had abandoned their Kopino children in the Philippines had definitely created anti-Korean sentiment in the Philippines as of Add subtitles in different languages to advertise all over the world. New technologies process video files quickly. Log in. Use subtitles or even voiceover to add captions. A news article said that a Kopino male whose Korean father abandoned his Filipino mother when she got pregnant used his fist to beat up on a picture of his Korean father to show how much he hated his Korean father.

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