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Talk pornhub

Ibwas actually trying to find the specific protocol uses for eIDs in Europe and couldn't find much beyond a high level "its secure and private". No, the basic issue js that one class of humans are, in real life, being systematically tortured and abused for the amusement of the other class of humans, and that children of both classes are growing up to believe this is normal. Do you really think they give a damn about privacy? Maybe " verifiable credentials" is the keyword I was missing. Because guess what dude? Start a new thread Flip thread Hide thread. Tao 20 hours ago parent prev next [—] Maybe you're right, but in the real world I'm already getting multiple letters a year from companies that have my PII and have had an unexpected breach. Very unlikely they will get caught. Posted by northshorebamaman. Surely some kind of OpenID style protocol can be invented for this with zero knowledge of personal information ending up with pornhub or which sites were being given age verification? But sexual fantasies per se have nothing to do with that. Posted by jatilen Member since May

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