Texas blocked pornhub

Texas blocked pornhub

Select the plan, provide your email, and follow the steps from NordVPN. A federal court has called the new Texas law unconstitutional. Email Required. Instead, its homepage displays a statement explaining its reasoning and encouraging users to contact their representatives about the law. So far, this is the only viable solution to watch Pornhub in Texas and bypass the age check. Pornhub disables Texas users access to the site Pornhub announced they will be disabling access to their website for Texans after House Bill required explicit content websites to have age-verification measures in place to ban minors. Elizabeth Nolan Brown is a senior editor at Reason. Banning or putting up major barriers to products that people want doesn't stop people from wanting and accessing those products. See All. Related Items 5th U. Read more. Last March, Utah became the second state to enact such a law, and the first to find residents blocked by Pornhub.

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