Trish stratus boobs

Trish stratus boobs

She finished the year competing unsuccessfully for the WWF Women's Championship numerous times, and leaving Test and Albert when the team disbanded. She announced a reminder that she would meet Alexa Bliss at the upcoming Evolution event. Tempting brunette Britney cannot wait to cum. She took part in a backstage segment involving Ron Simmons and Trevor Murdoch. During the unveiling of Christy's Playboy magazine cover, the evil Stratus attacked Hemme and spray painted the word "slut" across her back. The duo feuded with Jericho for several months and competed in a handicap match at Backlash. It's a textbook story with a fairytale ending. The two competed in several title matches, with Stratus retaining until Survivor Series where Victoria won the belt in a Hardcore match. Divas Candice Poolside Waterfall Boobs But I think fans want to see the wrestlers' real personalities. In the following months, Stratus was placed into an alliance with Gail Kim. One week later, Stratus and Lita confronted the men about their actions, leading to a feud between the two men and women which resulted in a "Battle of the Sexes" match at Armageddon , which the women lost.

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