Utah bans pornhub

Utah bans pornhub

Spencer Cox, a Republican, signed the new law in March, marking part of a larger effort to combat internet use that state lawmakers have argued can be dangerous for young people. But most porn sites are even less regulated than Pornhub. Pornhub is blocking access from users in Mississippi, Virginia and Utah, which have recently passed laws that require age verification to access adult websites. Enter email address. Sign up for Essential California for news, features and recommendations from the L. It began in Louisiana in a law was passed that requires pornography sites to verify that users are over age By Alexandra E. Log In. Weiler introduced the latest legislation in February, arguing that Utah makes residents prove their age to buy cigarettes and alcohol so should do the same for pornography. Its interface looks like a map of the world, which can make it easy to see the server closest to you. Grown-ass men are struggling to get around my PSA, but I assure you teenage boys are not: Teens are techies, and they understand how to use a VPN to evade any current content restrictions. But ultimately, many of the sites started putting up the warning labels to Utah visitors.

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UTAH BANS PORNHUB / forexlla.rent