Utah blocks pornhub

Utah blocks pornhub

The new legislation, expected to come into effect in March , is set to require porn sites to ask for ID on each visit. Supreme Court upholds law disarming domestic abusers. These age verification laws, however, are not just symbolic. These age verification laws apply to any digital publisher with Your email required. Some will jump to thievery to jack off. Click here to manage all Newsletters. Times Events. In , the United Kingdom ditched its age-verification push after encountering problems and is in the process of reworking its law, according to Wired. Porn group sues Utah over law requiring age verification. The site argues that by keeping people from accessing Pornhub, they will be driven instead to sites that simply choose not to comply with the law and that may, in fact, be more dangerous for children and adults alike. For Teachers Newshour Classroom.

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