Virginia pornhub ban

Virginia pornhub ban

This is a massive security risk. As you may know, your elected officials in Virginia are requiring us to verify your age before allowing you access to our website. Top stories. AP and Getty images may not be republished. His focus is covering U. In response, one parent of a Davis High School student in Utah filed a complaint in December against the school, claiming that the state legislature should ban the Bible from schools because it includes "incest, onanism, bestiality, prostitution, genital mutilation, fellatio, dildos, rape, and even infanticide. At the same time, the website owners claim the restrictions will do no such thing, causing content creators to lose revenue and suppress artistic liberties. Speaking to USA Today, Alison Boden, executive director of the Free Speech Coalition, commented: "We are fighting not only for the rights of our members and the larger adult entertainment community, but for the right of all Americans to access constitutionally protected expression in the privacy of their own home. Virginia first lady speaks out on the dangers of fentanyl. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit ruled in favor of the law, but said Texas would not be able to enforce the provision requiring the controversial health warnings. Virginia State Sen. Kenneth Niemeyer.

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