What states blocked pornhub

What states blocked pornhub

The news…. The law, signed in March , also affects social media sites, requiring the same age verification requirement, as well as placing a default curfew on social media between the hours of p. In Louisiana, porn sites are not required to directly collect user IDs. Startups are the core of TechCrunch, so get our best coverage delivered weekly. June 15, If consumers are required to hand over legal documents in order to watch porn, they will likely seek out other, less moderated sites … or a VPN. When Texans go to Pornhub, they find a message that says the law impinges "on the rights of adults to access protected speech. You can share this story on social media:. There has been a lot of bad news about social media startups lately. Meta has confirmed that it will pause plans to start training its AI systems using data from its users in the European Union and U. Follow Logan on Twitter. A different bill the Senate passed last month would require age verification filters on smartphones and tablets activated for minors within the state of Idaho.

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