Who invented pornhub

Who invented pornhub

To put it plainly, as long as they continue to operate, the world is a more dangerous place for women, teenagers, and children. Archived from the original on 3 February Tassillo also has opulent taste in real estate. Keezer now runs a flight-booking website and Manos and Youssef head up Valsoft, which acquires and scales up software companies. Together, they founded Brazzers - a pay site whose name was a play on their Middle Eastern backgrounds and their pronunciation of the word 'brothers. Vice Media. Retrieved 13 February The Huffington Post. It was reported that Antoon and Tassillo would remain shareholders in MindGeek. The couple have two sons. They do so with little to no regulation. It accused the site of sex trafficking and the distribution of videos of sex and child abuse without consent.

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