Why is pornhub banned in nc

Why is pornhub banned in nc

More from Tech. Pornhub, the most popular porn site in the world, cut off access for North Carolina users on Thursday in protest of a new state law that will take effect on Jan. Stephen Smith Investigation. Our DIY expert, Beth Allen, shared gift picks for novice to pro DIY dads, as well as items that are essential for woodworking, yard and gardening tasks. The move is meant to protest laws that went into effect in both states on January 1st. Construction of roundabout in Easley causes significant backups. Google searches for "virtual private network," or VPN, surged in Utah after the law came into effect. We are at war. Louisiana , Utah , Arkansas , Mississippi, and Virginia have passed similar laws, prompting Pornhub to block access in most of those states as well. It was a violent holiday week in Charlotte, with six murders occurring over six days and five of the victims aged 20 or under. Related Content. Vanessa Esguerra Vanessa Esguerra Jun 13,

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