Worlds smallest pennis

Worlds smallest pennis

For both men and women, they push out images of people who just aren't regular normal people. However, one body part that gets the most attention from its owners is the penis. The team extracted data on average penis size from nearly 90 countries, with the measurements having been independently verified. Measuring in at nearly 4cm shorter than the global average, Burmese penises are the second smallest in the world with an erect length of 4. Same thing with breast size. I had just paid a few bills earlier in the week, so this prize money is going towards something fun for sure. The truth is, that the owner of the penis is far more likely to be worried about the size of their penis than their sexual partners are! A lot of "sex" has happened since then, and a large proportion was motivated by the choice of women among rival males. Since humans are the best developed apes, it is also necessary to look at evolution. Myanmar notes an average erect penis length of Republic of the Congo - Britain comes in 68th place with a penis size of 5.

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