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OCR recognizes that discrimination in health care impacts health outcomes. That same year, students at Rutgers University formed the Student Homophile League to fight the widespread discrimination against and harassment of gay and lesbian students on campus. January 30, Download as PDF Printable version. OCR is responsible for enforcing Section of the Affordable Care Act Section , which prohibits discrimination against individuals on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, and disability in covered health programs or activities. I'm so proud! Official websites use. Oversize, Tools Tools. Membership and attendance at Alliance functions were significantly smaller than in previous years, perhaps due to the DKE effigy, which expressed an exceeding intolerance towards lesbians and gays on campus. Our Armed Forces are most capable when all patriots can serve their country, so I protected the right of transgender people to once again serve openly in the military. Because of this, the Alliance regained a high profile on campus, and the attendance at the dances rose to between people.

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