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Interviews Answers to Science Questions. It just doesn't work like that. Fantasies have come to stay, it only needs one careful mind to hand it, perfection seem not be a quality of created beings like ours, Carolyn, is it not time to initiate fantasies club Granted some flaws are harder to accept, but if you really love the person you will accept it and even love them for it. I trust my husband with my life and more importantly, the lives of my children. Fellows, if you met a young woman and had been wanting to find a wife, that's a life long committed relationship, that you even enter into with a prayer, how faithful do you want her? As I understand it, OCD and addiction have very similar psychological profiles. She is in a scene from Pure Mature called The Pickup. I don't think there is anything abnormal or immoral about having sexual fantasies even if the fantasies aren't about your partner or masturbating. This scene has Lauren all oiled up and giving one of those full body [ Wifey and her husband are having a threesome together. I think this can not be compared with drug dependence.

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