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Nedin, C. In both practices, honesty is crucial—with yourself, your student, your audience. Abramoff, M. Mahinay, on behalf of his clients, filed a motion for reconsideration, [7] where he pertinently alleged in part: D. Mahinay had threatened a judge with an administrative case if the motion he filed would not be resolved in his favor. Exoskeletal abnormalities in paradoxidid trilobites from the Cambrian of Spain, and a new type of bite trace. In Sears,M. Feeding habits in trilobites. Lukban , 39 Phil. This, to the mind of the Board, cannot be countenanced as his statements promoted distrust in the administration of justice. I am there to guide, to be on level ground so the same electric charge that exists between teacher and student can exist between performer and audience. The last of the enumeration may have contained the word "partial," to wit:.

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